All products sold through Sdkbin are sold to organizations - this makes it possible for you to share your licenses with other members of your team who might need to access them, such as individual developers who will be using them.
Sdkbin uses an organizational model for providing access to purchased products and subscriptions.
Create an Organization First Before Purchasing
You can register a new Sdkbin customer organization by clicking here or you can create one on the fly during checkout while purchasing a product.
Sdkbin organizations also allow you to:
- Purchase products;
- Obtain product keys;
- Invite members of your team to access products;
- Manage your team's access to specific products;
- Manage your product subscription, auto-renewal and billing methods;
- View historical billing activity and invoices;
- Communicate with publishers whose products you have purchased or are interested in purchasing; and
- View how your current licenses and subscriptions are being used by your entire organization.
Updated about 2 months ago
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